
寻房日记之SMS Record

"Hi Cazen,
I have this unit,
blk 512, 5A, 4 room,
Nice house, good location
2.2k nego"

"Good Locations?
Have Starbucks ard?"

"I try check for you..."


"oh...nvm thn, can help me
to seek for a Starbuck nearby?"

"Ok... I try..."

"Cazen, do u guys wish 2 consider
a EM, Blk 656, walk to MRT, high rise,
of coz, STARBUCKS...2.3k nett
viewing can arrange at 7.00pm to 7.30pm"

"Sure. OK"

"Hi, Blk 656 just taken, later inform
you again of other relevant blks."

"Oh mine..."

"Near to Starbucks is a heat, have to be fast,
you see."

"Ok, thanks again. I can wait."

"Hi Cazen, 2 units here, 3+1 b650c Furn, High fl,bus int.
2.2k nego; 3+1 blk 412 corner w recess, high, #7,
asking 2.3k, either 1 yr or 2 yr lease"

"What abt Starbucks?"

"blk 412"

"ok, I will view it, this evening?"

"Ok, I arrange for you."

"Just this noon blk 412 were bid for 2.4k,
once viewed by a family, another a batch of students,
it is still open for viewing, may be you have to raise higher"

"Oh mine...fine... 2.5!!!!"

"Sry, just before I do, the family bid at 2.5k"

"oh no..."

"But actually you don't even viewed it,
I try another unit for you later perhaps?"

"Who cares, as long as got Starbucks?"

"K. will keep you posted."

"But actually how about unclecafe
instead of Starbucks?"

"No...unclecafe he only drinks milk tea,
N-O-T sel-ling-cof-fee...|||"

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